A glimpse of GOD
God seems to be far away, something mysterious, unkown, unreachable for normal people. But from my perspective God is that which is between us, which connects us, Love. But how can we experience this? All that brings us closer and deeper in connection with other beings like humans, animals, plants will bring us closer to God. God is here, but to be here, stability is needed. And stability is established by strong relations, strong connections to others and to our own body, mind and emotions.
If you want to experience a glimpse of God, here is a suggestion: Next time you go to town by public transportation watch all the people around. Look… until you find someone who is really really disgusting! Someone who is different from you, maybe even the opposite of what you think you are. This can be a beggar, a drunkard, a violent person, a mother who is closed to her baby, a rich arrogant man or someone who is utterly ugly, or has a terrible skin disease, or someone you just don’t like or even hate. In any case you will see someone who you don’t want to see, who activates very negative feelings inside.
The exercise is now to just look at that person. Of course in a way that the person doesn’t notice it. You keep silently watching this person, not doing anything inside or outside. Instead of avoiding him/her or looking away, you do the opposite. You just watch with a relaxed body, with a neutral mind, just as if you would look at a plant. Keep on watching, let all the emotions and judgements arise, don’t do anything with it. It is like a meditation with an external object.
If you do this long enough, something very profound will happen. First, you will experience your negativity projected onto that person. You expose yourself to your own darkness with the help of this human. By just relaxing into it and keep on looking at that person on the outside this dark cloud inside of you disappears and you experience the life force directly which was distorted. It is like a huge energy suddenly flows through your system. The result is an open heart or ecstasy and you may feel a glimpse of God. There is every possibility that something has changed or even been healed in that other person too!