Honest Sharing Level 3 (Advanced Mode)
This is an advanced version of Honest Sharing. It is only suitable for people who already have a lot of experience with the simple version, e. g. in Local Groups and in their partnerships. It requires a certain degree of familiarity with communicating in the sense of Honest Sharing. The EM Level 3 leads us into a completely new consciousness and contains a huge development potential for our society!
Before you try this out, check if you still have to think about how to express your inner experiences according to Honest Sharing. If it is often not clear to you to which level (mental, emotional, physical) your state belongs or how to put it then practice the simple version first.
Here is the description of the setting and the process:
- It is a group process of exactly three people, no more and no less. So three people meet online or offline and sit together in a circle. All are equal, there is no group leader and thus no roles.
- All three do Honest Sharing in the same way as before: sharing thoughts, feelings and body sensations without identification. The Honest Sharing itself does not change; it remains the same as before.
- The difference, however, is that there is no fixed time window any more. It is therefore no longer fixed who speaks when and for how long. Here is the crucial point: The participants have to develop a group awareness/consciousness and look and feel together for whom it is most important to speak at the moment and follow this flow. You can no longer “do” it in the same sense as in the Local Group Process, but rather let it happen, without fighting, but also without giving up. The total time is not given by me, but it makes sense to set it beforehand, e.g. 20 minutes.
The main difference to normal Honest Sharing is that there are no fixed channels of communication anymore: instead of the safe setting of „it’s my turn now for 10 minutes and you listen to me during this time” everything is now open. That security (for the ego) no longer exists here. We don’t need it anymore, as long as we have stabilized and harmonized our life, our relationships and our life through normal Honest Sharing. We leave the level of trauma healing, healing of relationships and transformation of individual suffering. Honest Sharing in the advanced mode leads us into the realization that we are as a group. That individuality and community are one. By the way, in the Rider Waite Tarot there is a pictorial representation of exactly that space of consciousness: The Three of Cups.
This advanced way of Honest Sharing was given to me (us) on the evening of May 22th, 2021 as a gift “from above”. There is also a video about it.